1. Create a variable called bookedTime
  2. Check that booked landing time was no later than 5:45pm
  3. Create a variable called checkTime which is initially equal to booked time
  4. If bookedTime was at 5:45 or later then land at Smits
  5. If booked time was earlier check 15 mins (checkTime) after bookedTime to see if it is available, if it is then book it
  6. If checked time + 15 mins is not available, check 15 mins after new checkTime
  7. When checkedTime reaches 6:00 and no times are available then she must land at Smits

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1 Comment

  1. You’ve got the gist of it. You need to start with the current time + the remaining trip time, then compare against available times and then output to either smit or courtenay.

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